If you secretly harbor the fear that robots will take over the world in an apocalyptic fashion as in the movie Terminator, then you might be a little concerned about Carlisle HVAC’s introduction of the Inspection, Sealing, and Advanced Cleaning Robotic System, also known as ISAAC.

According to Carlisle HVAC’s press release for ISAAC:

The ISAAC HVAC Robotic System is capable of hard-to-reach remediation that would otherwise result in much more costly renovations.  It is no longer necessary for employees to crawl ductwork and cut access holes every eight feet; tasks that often lead to injuries and worker compensation claims.  The ISAAC HVAC Robotic System is also equipped with an integrated digital video recorder which, combined with the included personal computer software, creates a powerful inspection and documentation tool.

Yes, to inspect us while we work and then document how to take over from the ductworks above! But seriously, this does look like a helpful tool new tool to inspect and keep ducts clean — it’s just the air-driven “whips” that clean the ducts that make me a tad uncomfortable. Unfortunately, these remind me of the sentinels, vicious killing machines from The Matrix.

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The ISAAC robot rests, and waits.

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ISAAC's sentinel offspring.

To see a video of ISAAC in action, check out http://www.carlislehvac.com/isaac. Friend of building maintenance, or foe of mankind? You decide.