In 1998, architects Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein established their practice in Basel, Switzerland. RECORD asked them five questions about their work in preparation for the Chicago Architecture Biennial. Scroll through the slideshow above to see some of their key projects.

Architectural Record: Tell us about your practice. Can you describe your practice in 3 sentences?

- We work with precedents: architecture is not about invention but an act of mediating tradition

- We believe in the sustainability of form

- We are fascinated with anonymous buildings

How do you get into the creative headspace?

By walking through the metropolis.

Who are your design heroes?

Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Hans Poelzig and Alejandro de la Sota. 

What do you hope to contribute to the Chicago Biennial?

A statement on contemporary monuments.

Most importantly, when it comes to pizza, deep dish or thin crust?

Thin crust.


The Chicago Architecture Biennial runs from September 19, 2017, to January 7, 2018. Read more of our coverage of the event here.