New York-based HWKN (HollwichKushner), a firm headed by two of the impresarios behind Architizer, has won the 13th edition of the Museum of Modern Art's Young Architects Program—an annual competition to design a temporary structure for the courtyard attached to P.S.1, the New York City museum's contemporary art outpost in Queens.

The firm's design is a large blue sea urchin, named Wendy, suspended from a network of scaffolding. Its spines, made of high-tech fabric, are designed to clean pollution from the air around the site, which neighbors a taxi garage and the approach to the Queens-Midtown Tunnel. It will go on view sometime in June and serve as a venue for the Queens kunsthalle's annual "Warm-Up" series of outdoor events. Watch P.S.1's site for details.

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Images courtesy HWKN

The fabric that HWKN plans to use in the installation was developed by designer Helen Storey and scientist Tony Ryan. Watch a video about the material below.