This November 7-10, 2023, PhiusCon, the leading passive building conference for climate-conscious resilient and reliable home and building design, is coming to Houston for its 17th year. The conference brings together architecture, building, manufacturing, and energy experts and enthusiasts to address the need for weather-resilient homes – a topic more important than ever in hot and humid climates like the South.
Hosted by Phius, a non-profit organization delivering the new industry standard for zero-energy building, the conference is paving the way for members of the building sector to create more energy-friendly communities. Attendees will discuss and learn new ways to build better, more adaptable and resilient buildings for their community such as:
- Demonstrations of affordable, sustainable building techniques, technologies, materials and projects
- Celebrate ingenuity in building, construction, energy, engineering and housing industries
- Learn how to build more efficient comfortable, healthy, safe and cost-efficient buildings that mean less stress on the grid and fewer outages through Phius Certification
The event welcomes everyone interested in learning how resilient and reliable buildings and homes are a path to mitigating and adapting to the effects of extreme weather.