Architect, theorist, and artist Jorge Otero-Pailos's newest work, for sale at ArtWeLove, is an apt commentary on the pathos and tragedy surrounding the euro these days. As news was announced this week that Greece will need another 30 billion euros from creditors to make up for the recession and its budget cuts, Otero-Pailos debuted Drama, a 22 x 32" collage made of modern Greek drachmas that were in circulation before the switch to the Euro in 2002. Otero-Pailos erased some letters in "drachma" so that "drama" appears on the notes.
Otero-Pailos, an Associate Professor of Historic Preservation at Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, wrote the introduction to our renovation/restoration/adaptive re-use issue this year. His "The Ethics of Dust" was exhibited at the 53rd Venice Art Biennale in 2009.