Start-up SuperLA seeks to raise the quality of rental housing in the city while finding ways to streamline its infamously cumbersome development process.
The 24-unit complex is the first project completed by Juno, a Texas startup promoting a novel approach to construction informed by the manufacturing principles of consumer electronics.
Designed and built by graduate students from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, FLORA welcomes both forest researchers and eco-tourists.
This month's special section examines timber construction, including strategies for sustainable sourcing, policies facilitating the material’s use, and engineering innovations accommodating unexpected typologies and unique locations.
We'll discuss successful projects and strategies that show wood and mass timber to be a competitive and sustainable choice to create welcoming spaces that foster learning and connection.
This course targets architects and engineers seeking advanced knowledge in the design and implementation of vertical extensions above existing buildings using innovative wood systems.
This webinar explores advanced ideas in designing and implementing mid-sized new commercial buildings and office retrofits using innovative wood structural systems.