When the Philadelphia City Planning Commission’s executive director, Maxine Griffith, was serving in the Clinton administration as HUD’s assistant deputy secretary, somebody once said that she was “either a spokesperson for the new paradigm or she just can’t keep a job."
Architects tend to describe client Marion O. Sandler, the C.E.O., board chairman, and cofounder of Golden West Financial Corporation and World Savings—the nation’s second-largest savings institution—as, by turns, their toughest critic and greatest champion.
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the McMillan Plan, which reinforced the Washington, D.C. monumental core in the spirit of the 1791 L'Enfant Plan.
Last month Architectural Record visited Tadao Ando, Hon. FAIA, in his office in Osaka, Japan, and talked with him about the nature of architecture and creativity, and his view of architecture within a changing global landscape.
In 1991, when Times Square seemed a permanent crime scene, Rosanne Haggerty envisioned a system that could save the neighborhood, its historic buildings, and—most importantly—its homeless people.
On the occasion of the 2001 Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Robert Ivy talked with His Highness the Aga Khan about the architectural, social, and environmental issues facing Islam today.
Piano comments on the WTC disasterIn an interview published in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica on September 21, Piano spoke about skyscraper design in the wake of the World Trade Center attacks.