As unprecedented fires consume Los Angeles, the architectural profession confronts an urgent need to revolutionize building practices and policy in an era of climate crisis.
Within a reimagined Hollywood headquarters, the founders of The LADG question architecture’s role to render safe the interaction between industry and humanity.
Whipped by brutal winds, the historic wildfire event unfolding across Southern California has claimed thousands of homes, businesses, and local landmarks.
After losing her home to a 2017 wildfire, a Napa resident rebuilds with a fire-resistive single-level residence that maximizes privacy, views, and outdoor living.
A hybrid timber structure brings the San Francisco school’s two campus cultures together, while reducing embodied carbon and enhancing seismic performance.
The $125 million renovation of the Jacobs Music Center transformed a 1929 building into a word-class concert hall, harmonizing historic charm with modern acoustic needs.
Top 10 Projects of 2024: Using primarily concrete, the architect rebuilds on the site of a destroyed house he had designed for his parents nearly four decades earlier.