A sequel to the Pulitzer Prize-winning Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898 traces the radical transformation of New York in the early 20th century.
This book by New York's former Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Rebuilding serves as a playbook for other cities looking to stoke their own economic vitality.
In this first biography of the architect, Ian Volner conscientiously sums up the exhilarating and frustrating life and career of Michael Graves, who died in 2015 at the age of 80.
The OMA partner's new book Four Walls and a Roof: The Complex Nature of a Simple Profession takes an idiosyncratic look at architectural history and dissects contemporary practice.
Wild By Design: Strategies For Creating Life-Enhancing Landscapes, by Margie Ruddick; Gardens of the High Line: Elevating the Nature of Modern Landscapes, by Piet Oudolf and Rick Darke; Bawa: The Sri Lanka Gardens, by David Robsen; The Garden of Peter Marino, by Peter Marino with foreword by Claude Lalanne.